Thursday, December 10, 2009

Burnin' Glucose

Got my second exam over with today... philosophy. Went suprisingly well, finished with an hour to spare. Used the extra time to finish cleaning my road bike, she's done with the outdoors until things dry up again in the spring.

Borrowing my neighboor's Kona Jake the Snake for this weekend's race (not the bad ass green colour of De Cal's), it's a perfect fit. Half a size smaller than my road bike with a longer stem and 172.5mm crankarms ! It's got exactly what I want on it; mostly 105 stuff with some tough Deore hubs. I'm hoping he sells it to me, we'll see. I guess I have to race in the 11am race because I'm no longer a Junior and I defenitely don't have enough points to go Elite if I don't have any races under my belt. I'll try and sneek under the tape right before the start haha.

Didn't get any riding in today unfortunately but I am burning lots of glucose with the noggin to get ready for the double header of exams tomorow. When that is over and done with I'll have plenty of time to ride, especially with a cross bike...


  1. That Kona sounds nice. One race on it and you'll be hooked.
    Keep hitting the books and always remember that education comes before cycling.

  2. Haha that's what the rents try and tell me, we'll call it 60/40 even

  3. If you want to race Elite nobody will stop you. Not just at this event being a non-series/points race, but in general for cross it's pretty much self seeded other than age based categories (Juniors, Masters, etc.)

  4. That's good to know Jeff, thanks.

    I've decided to race the 11 oclock race tomorow, see where I stand there.

    Good luck tomorow !
