Saturday, May 8, 2010

We'll see how it goes

Starting from Thursday, well the day at the barn turned out to be a little longer than I would have thought. There was no way I was going riding after an 11 hour shift, I had plans to hit up the clubs ITT but when the clock hit 6 and I was still in the barn finishing getting rid of the heavy it was not possible. I was so fried after that shift, I couldn't stand up at all by the end of the day and didn't really move the rest of the night.

Yesterday was pretty much the same, up at 7:30 trying to get some food in me before heading to the barn for 8. I was hoping for some easy distance after the shift just to get the legs going, 8 hours later I was heading home with the same intentions. Got home, showered up, didn't care what the weather was like because I needed to get out there. I started to get some clothing ready and the next thing I remember was waking up and realising that I had fallen asleep face-plant style with the towel still on for 3 hours, nice. Needless to say, there was no riding done. 19 hours of work in 2 days so far, it gets better.

So that brings us to today, same story, barn at 8. Got lots of work done in 6 hours which was enough to allow me to head home. I wanted to get a short tempo ride in but by the time I got home, do what I gotta do, it was time to head to my job at Club Castropignano to wash some dishes for 6 hours. 3 days, 31 hours or work, now I'm sitting in my room writting this out at midnight. I can't say I'm excited for tomorow's race, but I can say that I'm looking forward to a day off work and a day on the bike. I would be very happy with a top 15, satisfied with 16th.

Working that many hours wouldn't be so big of a deal if I had a desk job of some sort, although an 11 hour shift at the desk would have me coming home tired as hell, it's a different tired. Much like studying for a while then trying to get on the bike, it's all about getting over that mental hump. Whethere it be going from cycling to work or work to cycling, if you're job isn't physical then you've just got to be mentally strong enough to switch gears. Much easier said than done, I know, I'm just starting to ramble on now, time for bed.

I'll see you tomorow at Albion, well, today.

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